The other day I was talking to a fellow photographer about how its hard at times to take pictures of customers that don't know what they are looking for. I thought part of the reason its hard is I'm still developing my photographic style. This I believe is more of the problem with me than it is the customer. Since my work at this point doesn't have a distinct style and my business brand is in development, customers don't know what they want from me. This is part of the reason I am constantly looking to practice and develop my skills so I can start displaying my style. 1st I have to become more comfortable while shooting and let things come naturally. I am getting better at this but I'm not quite there yet.
Prime example was this past Thursday, I was taking pictures for a Doctor that wanted some pictures for her website. It was sorta of a rush deal and I didn't get a chance to sit down with her to see what she was looking for. So I went to her office blind and when I got there I was thinking "What the hell am I going to take pictures of?". So I proceeded to take a group shot with the Dr. and her staff, individual shots, and a posed shot of the Dr. giving an exam. I left the office thinking "I don't know if I got what she needs". I looked through my pictures once I got home, they are good as far as lighting and composition, but they don't speak to me. This is to say their message isn't clear. So my plan is to do a little research on these type of pictures and to sit down with the Dr. and figure out what her vision is and what I can provide. I should have done this 1st, but I learned a valuable lesson. I will post an update once I have met with the Dr. Til next time I'm out like last year!
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